As your doula, providing informational support is such a big part of my role. It’s important to me that you receive answers to all of the questions that you have related to pregnancy, birth and postpartum. These are links to some of the best, no-fluff, straight facts resources.

Once a contract is signed, you will have full borrowing privileges from my personal library.

Do I REALLY need a doula?

50% Reduction in cesarean sections
25% shorter labors
60% reduction in epidurals
30% reduction in pain medication use
40% reduction in forceps delivery
40% reduction in pitocin use

The myth:

“I don’t need a doula if I’m planning to have an epidural or cesarean birth”

The truth:

A doula’s job is to focus on you, your baby and your comfort.

Even if you are planning on having an epidural, there are most likely still going to be hours of labor that are unmedicated. I’ll be there for you to encourage you, keep you moving and help you into optimal positions to keep labor going. I’ll be there to help with questions and help you understand your options.

Doulas can be there for mothers planning a c-section in many ways. We can meet with you and your partner for prenatal visits and prepare for what to expect, prepare birth preferences, and develop a plan for your fourth trimester.

The myth:

“I don’t need a doula because I have my partner. I don’t want them to take away from their role.”

The truth:

The role of a doula is never to take the place of your partner (unless that is what you both prefer) Doulas are there to be a reassuring presence. I can be there for the both of you to explain every step of the way and help maintain a calm relaxed environment. I can be there to offer suggestions of hands on relaxation techniques and tag in for your partner if they need to grab a bite to eat or take a rest.

The myth:

“A doula is the same thing as a Midwife/ is a medical provider”

The truth:

A doula is not a medical provider. A doula is your support system. We are there to provide information, comfort measures and encouragement.

The myth:

“It’s too late for me to hire a doula”

The truth:

It’s never too late to hire a doula! If you feel the want of having a bigger support system and your guess date is tomorrow, don’t hesitate to reach out.

The myth:

“The doula can make decisions for me”

The truth:

Doulas cannot make decisions for you or your partner. We are there to provide you with evidence based information and to encourage you follow your natural intuition. We are there to support any decision you make for you and your baby.

Still have questions? Feel free to reach out to me!